ShopWhizzy Security Upgrade

ShopWhizzy Security Upgrade

Today, 8th January 2024 , we are rolling out an important security upgrade for our stack.

From now on, all SSH connections need to be IPv4 whitelisted. The IPs will also allow access to the PhpMyAdmin frontend panel.

We also expect to release the admin IP restriction (which will be optional) very soon, which will increase the security level against rogue admins, and some additional PCI compliance changes based on our latest assessment.


Here is a quick tutorial on how to whitelist your IPs.

1 - Go to your server overview page and click on the top right gear icon.


2 - At the top right corner find SECURITY MANAGEMENT and click it.


3 - Find the SSh and PhpMyAdmin Whitelist section and add your current IP or/and the additional ones you need. Click on UPDATE IPs in the end.


4 - Check if you can log in at Filezilla or Putty (or any other filesystem tool).

5 - In case of any doubt, raise a ticket on



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